Friday, August 13, 2010


Recently, my friend Julie and I proposed that if we gave each other art challenges  it would get us to think outside of our boring predictable boxes.  We had both been experiencing a sluggish lull in the creativity flow and were in much need of a  boost.  I had come up with the first challenge and it was really lame and not note worthy but it did get us going.  Julie came up with "UP TO NO GOOD"  where we were instructed to go out to our favorite junk haunt and root around for art elements.  This is the kind of place that has different stuff every day, card board boxes with stuff, nothing is priced just put it in a pile and start to wheel and deal.  Great fun in my book.
The old coins buttons and tokens  are what I came up with.  Within a week we will be finished with our challenge.  Please stop back and see what Julie and I have done, cause we are definitely