Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It has snowed here a lot  lately,  more than I can remember in a long time.  As I make my way around town running errands,  trudging through the ice and the muck I've looked down at the various foot prints left  in the snow. It got me to thinking about paths.

Life really is about carving out your own path and who you choose to go with you along the way. It's about discovering and making decisions, being aware of the journey.  It's about the people you  hang out with and if they really have your best interest in mind. As you grow you learn to take charge instead of letting your surroundings take charge of you. It's about planning, looking ahead and forging through. Sometimes it's about learning from your mistakes and looking back behind you at the suffering and pain, stepping up to the plate of honesty and being accountable for your own actions.  What can you gain from this and where will it take you, these paths that you have chosen to take?

Make the best of what you got, attitude is everything.  Wandering is part of the learning process but as they say "don't wander too far off the beaten path" it's lonely out there and there's a lot of people  who care about you and hurt when you hurt and want you close to their hearts .

As long as you live, there will always be a great big scary world out there waiting for you to march triumphantly into it's canyons or teeter precariously on it's edges.  It's all up to you and your better judgement.

 As you wander and ponder imagine this the path that you have carved out for yourself and may it embrace you lovingly and fill your heart with satisfaction.  May you walk along your path purposely with tenacious grace discovering the wonder of all things large and small.  Keep yourself grounded, secure and surrounded by people who really care about you.  If you should fall, we all fall ~pick yourself up and take that new path.



  1. Welcome home, Marcy! It's good to have you back blogging with us again....I love the message and the photos - snow.snow.snow...aren't we lucky? I can't remember this much snow since I was a little girl bundled up like a sausage...

  2. yopu got really beautiful photos Marcela !!!
    good to see a new post fron you !!!
    all the good feelings for you : Caio

  3. Hi there...
    I love this post so much! Your words ring true to many. I love how you put much thought into what the footprints brought forth to you!!!
    Happy New Year.

  4. Marcy - wonderful post....
    The snow has melted and left new open paths on which to journey and to leave fresh footprints.
